Continuous Improvement!

Continuous Improvement!

If you want to know who you really are, look at what you do daily. The repetitive tasks are what really define you. You train for a marathon by going for a run every day. You run – and then you progressively increase the distance. But every day, you run. Writers...
Choosing your Measuring Stick

Choosing your Measuring Stick

I get it like no one else – trust me. You want to be perfect and you compare yourself to people you admire. You most likely have a mentor, a colleague, or a technical author you highly respect. If you are like me, you tend to compare yourself to these people,...

A Lesson for Perfectionists

Understanding the Rules of the Game One major problem that perfectionists often run into is that they apply their perfectionism to every situation in life. Whether it’s school, work, or volunteering – they feel like they always have to deliver 150%. If you...